Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bio Poem

A bio poem is a list of things that make up your life. Writing one is really easy. Just follow these steps:

On the first line write your first name.
On the second, four Discriptive words about yourself.
On the third,the names of any siblings. If you don't have any just write "none."
On the fourth,what you love.
On the fifth, what you fear.
On the sixth, what you need.
On the seventh,what you give.
On the eighth, what you would like to see.
On the ninth, where you are a resident of.
On the tenth, your last name.

when you are done, it should look something like this:

Sibling of Ben
Lover of Snow,Chocolate and rollercoasters
Who needs friends and a good nights sleep
Who gives hugs and jokes
Who would like to see Australia
Resident of Oak Cliff